Katia Nemirovitch-Dantchenko comes from a renowned family of Russian writers, directors, playwrights and artists who have contributed for generations to the resurgence of the performing arts in Russia. Having attended the Central Specialized School of Music for Gifted...
Vladimir Stoupel is a musician with an extraordinarily rich range of sound and emotion. He ventures to the extreme limits of expression with an intensity that sweeps his listeners off their feet. His symphonic thinking lends an orchestral dimension to his piano...
Born in 1978, she studies oboe at the CNR de Rueil-Malmaison with Daniel Arrignon (First Prize in 1999), before spending three years perfecting her skills with Heinz Holliger at the Stattlische Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg. Keen to develop her knowledge of...
Weiyu CHEN, born in 1990, SiChuan (China) is a young chinese pianist who is influenced by different cultures thanks to the people of her home country and to the people she met through her career in Europe. Weiyu CHEN discovered the musical world during her childhood...
Since 2021 Eduard Sonderegger has been teaching violin at the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart.He was also teaching at the University of Music and Theatre Munich and playing as concertmaster of Ulm Philharmonic Orchestra (2013-2023)....
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