Susann Végh was born in Sweden and studied at the Academy of Opera in Stockholm. During her study period she participated in masterclasses with Ingvar Wixell, Elisabeth Söderström, Vera Rozsa, Birgit Nilsson, Rudolf Knoll, Talmage Fauntleroy and Jeffrey Goldberg.
After studies, she got a solid contract at Oper Bonn 1997-2000. Her roles includes Wellgunde and Waltraute in Ring des Niebelungen by Wagner conducted by Marc Soustrot and Wolfgang Ott. She did a fantastic Cherubino in The Wedding of Figaro conducted by Marc Soustrot, Hänsel in Humperdinks Hänsel und Gretchen, Dido in Dido och Aeneas, Sonyetka in Lady Macbeth from Mtsensk conducted by Wolang Ott, Mrs Page in Falstaff conducted by Lothar Königs, Artist/Whore in Mottke der Dieb (newly written) by Berndt Franke, Oyasan 2 in a teknoopera Raw (newly written) by Paulo C. Chagas, Die Stimme in Stimme allein (newly written) by Beat Furrer, Fjodor in Musorgskijs Boris Gudonov, Dorabella in Cosi fan Tutte, Margret in Wozzek.
In 2000 she became a member of the ensemble of The Royal Swedish Opera. Her roles includes Hänsel conducted by Gregor Bühl, Second Lady in The magic flute conducted by Siegfrid Köhler, Main Character in Clara by Hans Gefors conducted by Werner Seitzer, The Fox in Janaceks The Cunning Little Vixen conducted by Hans Drewanz, Charlotte in Werther, Zerlina and Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, Blumenmädchen in Parsifal and Nichlaus in Hoffmans Erzählung, Cherubino in The Marriage of Figaro, Wellgunde in Das Rheingold and Götterdämmerung, Waltraute in Die Walküre, Norne in Götterdämmerung, Tebaldo in Don Carlos, Farinelli in Castrati (newly written) by Miklos Maros, Carmen in Carmen, The Child in L´Entfant et les Sortilege, A Musician in Manon Lescaut, Dorabella in Così fan tutte and Mrs Page in Falstaff, Rosina in The Barber of Sevilla, Berci in Andrea Chenier, Mere Marie in Les Dialogue de Karmelit, Dinah in Trouble in Tahiti, The mayor´s wife in Jenufa, The Angel in Written on skin by George Benjamin conducted by Lawrence Renes, The Nurse in Tristessa (newly written), Flora in La Traviata, Giovanna in Rigoletto, Maria in Löftet (newly written) by Mats Larsson Gothe conducted by Alan Gilbert.
She has also participated as Megacle in L´Olimpiade by Vivaldi, in Teatro Comunale “Alfonso Rendado”, Cosenza-Italy, as Charlotte in Werther, Wellgunde in Das Rheingold and Auntie in Peter Grimes at The Royal Danish Opera and as Carmen by Bizet at Malmö Opera.
Concerts: Petite Messe Solennelle by Rossini, Requiem by Mozart, Weinachtoratorium by Saint Saëns, Weinachtoratorium by Bach, Die erste Walpurgisnacht by Mendelssohn, Orest in The Beautiful Helen by Offenbach, Rückertlieder by Brahms, Gloria by Vivaldi, Stabat Mater by Pergolesi.
Susann Végh has given private vocal lessons in 2009 and is a very appreciated coach.
She also gives masterclasses and specialized courses in preparation for auditions and singing competitions. She has special interest in teaching diction, expression, performance and of course the voice. After 25 years of own personal experience of professional work on stage, she now is devoted to give her experience on to upcoming stars.