Manuelle El Koubbi

Trained in the confluence of the French, Russian and Hungarian violin schools, Manuelle El koubbi was quickly made aware of the rigours of learning and the search for expressiveness through supple gesture. Her meeting with the violinist and teacher Géza Kapàs was a...

Manfred Equiluz

Manfred Equiluz had his first music lessons (recorder and piano) at the age of 6; he continued with further education at the Neustiftgasse Music High School in Vienna. At the same time, at the age of 12 years old, he studies flute at the University of Music and...

Lisa Erbes

After studying music at the Strasbourg Conservatory with Jean Deplace crowned by two First Prizes in cello and Chamber music, Lisa Erbès joined the Folkwang Musikhochschule in Essen, where she obtained the Diploma of artistic maturity. Then follows an improvement...

Christian Erny

Christian Erny, born in Winterthur in 1988, studied piano and conducting at the Zurich University of the Arts, the Jacobs School of Music and the Lucerne University. His teachers included Hans-Jürg Strub, Jean-Louis Haguenauer, Markus Utz and Howard Arman. At the Jiri...

Michaël Ertzscheid

Michaël Ertzscheid is a pianist, chamber musician and improviser; He performs in prestigious venues throughout the world (Théâtre du Châtelet, Corum de Montpellier, Royal Opera House, Salle Pleyel, Théâtre Mogador, Théâtre impérial de Compiègne, Opéra d’Avignon,...